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The legal tax clinic assists taxpayers with issues requiring tax representation before the IRS, the Puerto Rico Tax Authority and the U.S. Tax Court.

Our team of tax professionals represents low-income taxpayers in every stage of an IRS or local tax dispute.  These disputes may stem from many reasons; there may be errors in tax returns submitted that are no fault of the taxpayer, there may be a misunderstanding of the tax laws and IRS and local procedures and rules.  Whatever the situation, we advocate for the taxpayer through every stage of the dispute process; that includes examination requests, collection demands, audits, appeals, audit reconsiderations, criminal tax investigation, tax court and other federal and local courts.  Our years of experience allows us to ensure low income taxpayers’ rights are respected, their options are presented and their arguments are heard.  We negotiate for the best possible outcome with little or no cost to qualified taxpayers.


As an anticipative Money Smart Alliance Member of FDIC’s Money Smart Program, our financial literacy platform is designed to:

  • Provide knowledge of key financial concepts and skills, along with access to safe, affordable banking services, fosters greater financial stability for people and communities.

  • Help individuals build financial skills and confidence through knowledge and practice.

Our courses consist of financial education that addresses the needs of several community groups.

Young Adults (Ages 16-24) - Updated in 2022, Money Smart for Young Adults is a 12-module curriculum that teaches the basics of personal finance and prepares them for future life events such as renting a home, buying a car or paying for college.

Adults (Ages 24 & up)- Completely updated, this 14-module curriculum can be used to provide training for adults in many different life stages and financial situations. That includes adults new to this country, adults with disabilities, adults starting or changing careers, and adults going through significant life events such as expanding their families or purchasing or renting their first homes.

Money Smart for Older Adults - This curriculum focuses on preventing elder financial exploitation. We also developed these materials in collaboration with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 

Money Smart for Small Business - This curriculum provides information related to starting and managing a business. We developed these materials with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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